Dear Parishioners, I will be leaving Our Lady of Lourdes parish on 2nd March to take up a new appointment at the parish of St Mary’s & St Bernard’s in Coatbridge. My move to Coatbridge will be much closer to my home and will be less restrictive on my family. During my time here in East Kilbride my ministry has been enriched by both the priests I have served under, Bishop Frank Dougan and Father Kenny Campbell who have had an appreciable influence upon me. I have made many new friends and I will treasure in my heart all the memories of my time here in East Kilbride. Please keep me in your prayers as I will all of you.
Bill McMillan

Fr. Kenny writes:
Before I took up my appointment last February I met with Deacon Bill. At that time he said that he was minded to seek a new appointment nearer home. I asked him to remain with me and was very grateful that he did so for this year. It made the transition so much easier and really he was the anchor man at that time of transition. I am most grateful to him for that and am genuinely sorry to see him leave here. I propose that we have a farewell coffee morning on Sunday 2nd March after the 11am Mass to wish him well and to show our appreciation of him. I hope we can involve the Caritas Group in this.
His departure will affect us all and I will address at a later stage.